“A man’s gift maketh room for him and bringeth him before great men.”  Proverbs 18:16 (KJV)

Where you may have lack, we are rich in the overflow of creativity, insight and revelation!  We can only help you to improve your gifts and talents and encourage you to use them for the Kingdom of God, we cannot make you do anything for Him.
Through The Coming Dawn and other businesses, we expose you to the following areas in efforts to elevate your work(s):  career development for future professionals, understanding of other works, and knowledge of appropriate website and promotional products for the enhancement of your business, ministry, or you as an individual.
Please be sure to check out our “Clients” as you will find more businesses and individuals with whom you desire to connect!


$50.00 (1 page maximum)


Milk and Honey – $300

Including detailed notations of manuscript in reference to:

  • Dialogue
  • Structure
  • Characterization
  • Tone Theme

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—This is for the writer who wants to walk into the Promised Land!—

Water and Meat – $175

Including brief notations of manuscript:

  • 1-2 page critique of the work itself to aid the author in an instructed progression of the piece.

—This is for the writer who wants to walk into the Promised Land!—

In the Wilderness – $30 per hour

Including, in addition to Milk and Honey and Water and Meat:

—This is for the writer who wants to walk into the Promised Land!—

We all want to walk into the Promised Land, but we’re not all in the same phase of our work and walk in getting there … but know that with our help you will not just see as Moses did, but if you and God are willing … you will get there!

NOTE: Please send a copy of your double-spaced manuscript in Courier font ”12″ with numbered pages via e-mail as a “.docx” attachment or by regular postal mail to 11811 I-10 East, Ste., 185A, Houston, TX 77029.  Please send manuscript for approval before sending payment.  A down payment or payment in full is required for job to begin.  If you desire to have your manuscript returned please send a SASE with the correct postage, otherwise your manuscript will be shredded for your safety.


On-site stageplay director’s rehearsal consultation:  $50 per hour
Including detailed notes to director and actors:
NOTE:  Please contact us before making a payment.  If you are not located in the Houston area, please call or e-mail info@thecomingdawn.com for further arrangements of on-site training or consultations.




For unpublished works to prepare you for publication. Including basic grammar, punctuation and detailed content overviews and corrections.

· 0-150 pages – $5.00 per page
· 150-300 pages – $4.50 per page
· 300 pages or more – $3.50 per page

NOTE: Minimum $150.00 deposit required.

Please send a copy of your double-spaced manuscript in Courier font “12” with numbered pages via e-mail as a “.docx” attachment or by regular postal mail to 11811 I-10 East Frwy, Ste., 185A, Houston, TX 77029. Please send manuscript for approval before sending payment. A down payment or payment in full is required for job to begin. All manuscripts and rights remain the sole property of the sender. If you desire to have your manuscript returned please send a SASE with the correct postage, otherwise your manuscript will be shredded for your safety.


For published works to prepare for mass distribution. Including basic grammar, punctuation slight content overviews and corrections.
0-150 pages – $5.00 per page
150-300 pages – $4.50 per page
300 pages or more – $3.50 per page


For works that are in audio format and need transcribing into a reader’s format.




Research Information

0-150 pages – $5.00 per page

150-300 pages – $4.50 per page

300 pages or more – $3.50 per page

NOTE: Minimum $75.00 deposit required.
**All transcribed documents will be edited for grammar and punctuation**
Please submit a copy of your audio message(s) as an mp3 file by e-mail, a copy of your CD or DVD, or a copy of your mini-cassette by regular postal mail. Please send audio message(s) for approval before sending payment. A down payment or payment in full is required for job to commence. Prices per page are subject to change depending on difficulty of dialect and audio levels. All transcriptions, audio messages, and rights remain the sole property of the sender. If you desire to have your audio message (s) returned please send a SASE with the correct postage, otherwise your audio message(s) will be destroyed for your safety.


$175-Analysis and critique including detailed notations of website in reference to:

· Structure
· Tone/Theme
· Branding


**All documents will be edited for grammar and punctuation**

· 0-10 lines – $2.00 per line
· 10-20 lines – $1.50 per line


Including branding, photo-ops, voice & diction training, interviewing skills, etc.
$75 per hour

NOTE: Please contact us before making a payment at 713-364-3229. Please leave a voice-mail if no one answers as we do not return missed calls.  If you are not located in the Houston area, please call or e-mail info@thecomingdawn.com for further arrangements of on-site training or consultations.